Qucamba Reports allows you to customize almost all of the factory templates that are shipped along with the program installation.
Usually, whenever you're going to customize such a template you're advised to create a copy of the factory templates instead of customizing them. However, if you unintentionally changed a template and you've lost some of its content you may want to repair all the template files.
The following steps show you how to accomplish a repair installation.
The following steps should be followed to execute a repair installation.
If for any reason the repair by using the Windows control panel doesn't work you may also repair the installation by locating the original Qucamba Reports setup file (.msi) that you used for installing the application. Right click on the file and select "Repair" from the context menu. Alternatively, double click the file and click the "Repair" button.
After this procedure the application should be in the same state as it had been after first installation. However, your user data will usually be kept.